Monday, 29 February 2016

#60 and just like that February is a wrap!

60 of 365Faces!

I time-lapsed this TeaBagGirl.
It was a joy to do.  I can't believe we are now slowly heading to 100.

Two months done and ten to go.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

1 more teabag to go to end off FebruaryRoses...

58 and 59....

Slowly ticking away until we have reached 60 and the end of February.
Exiting milestone.

I went back to my Framers to relook at my framing options.
I love what we discovered together - I'm hopeful to share more soon.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Friday at last....

Number 57

Friday Love.

I love the depth to this girl.  She's very moving to me.  Sometimes I love the pieces that are less.

She feels like she's an old art piece.  I love that.

I took the girls for a spoil today because this week was so challenging.

It was lovely to hang out together.

I am def in a go slow mode.  But loved being here tonight!

Thursday, 25 February 2016

A headful of Roses...

Number 56

Thursdays Girl... I'm not going to lie.
Today was one of the hardest days of my year so far.
I had to do a 4 hour round trip for a 20 minute appointment in the city.
This set me back this week - practically, physically and emotional.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Love this one...

Number 55!

She's special - I really love her.

I'm going to miss FebruaryRoses and I this theme and color scheme a lot.

I'm not sure what I"m going to do going forward but for now, I've loved this month so much.

I have to do number 43 teabag again and I also have to finish my commission teabags.

I am hoping this weekend because I am seeing my client next week.  Eeeeck - I better get cracking.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

53 and 54...

I've been too busy to post my teabaggirls...

These two were literally being photographed on my leg in the car on the way to drop the girls off at school and before I head into the office.

I'm really flying with my hair on fire...

I need to stop the bus and catch my breath this weekend.

But these two are cute and I'm still showing up everyday and doing my best to post on the go.

Thank you for journeying with me.

Big hug.

Got back from the framers....

How darling is this.

When I got there and received my little block mount, I was over the moon.
I could literally visualise my exhibition wall lined with these darling little blocks.  But when I collected Corks from school and she had a closer look - she exclaimed "oh no" and I was a little taken back - I thought I had found my way forward with how I was going to exhibit.  Her "oh no" was about the fact that it no longer looked like a teabag.

And of course she was right.  It's so darling as it is - but what makes these little pieces so special is the fragility of the teabag and that you painted something so small on it.  Loosing that would be a shame.  I put it out there online and I got back a resounding no.  So it was back to the drawing board for me.  As luck would have it I spent sometime with Niece that evening, who works at a framers and she gave me some great advice and I'm off to see her at the shop on Sunday to work out some ideas.  I'm once again so excited.  But the wait is killing me... I'm dying to get my 60 pieces in and start this process.  It's going to be a mighty process.  And doing it monthly will be required.

Let the journey continue...

Monday, 22 February 2016

49, 50, 51 and 52...

We reached and passed 50 this week.  A huge milestone.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do after FebruaryRoses... I have loved ever single one of them
I heard back from my Framers today and I'm popping in to see them tomorrow.

So excited to see what they did with my little TeaBagGirl!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

48 of 366Faces

48 of 365Faces

I loved this little one.... 
Loose and free and she flowed right out of my brush.
I really enjoyed this!  Yay - I love that we drawing closer to #50.
I saw my framers this week and they are looking at some options for me for these #TeaBagGirls and I hope to share some news with you soon about what we find together.
I'm getting pretty excited!

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Last four - back up to date with life....

44, 45, 46 and 47

It feels so good to be back up to date.
Such a busy time, with birthdays and family, bus touring the city and with my Momma popping in for a visit, lots of homework and school stuff... I can say life is slowing down a little this week and I'm so grateful.  As busy as it's been - it sure has been wonderful too.

Looking so forward to this week ahead.

Friday, 12 February 2016

42 and 43... February Roses

42 and 43... 

Can I tell you how much I'm loving February and these gorgeous Rose Girls.
A theme helps keep me focused.  And of course, I'm just loving red and green at the moment.
It's a nice change for me.  This week has been busy - lots of driving around and lots of commitments But I'm happy to say we are through a lot of it and now this week we head into a heads down and exam week for the girls.  Which means long study hours at home.

I think we can all do with some home time.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

SisterLove on a TeaBag...

41 of 365Faces

I have been wanting to try this for ages. So I'm so thrilled that I did!
So it is possible!!!! Yay!

We reached 40!!!!

40 of 365faces

We are already on 40 and 10 to go until we reach 50!!!
How awesome!!!

Monday, 8 February 2016

Cuppa Tea...

Monday Morning Sweet Tea

Don't forget to enjoy your RedBushTea in between painting your TeaBagGirls.

Enjoy - happy Monday!

38 and 39...

38 and 39 of 365faces

Sunday and Monday's gals!!!
Definitely love both uniquely. ❤️

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Saturday Studio time...

37 of #365Faces

Omgoodness I love this teabag.
So much emotion here on this tiny 2"x2" square.
This might be one of my favs so far.  Maybe it's just their SisterLove that I'm enjoying.
Either way - I had fun painting them.  Their faces are so tiny.

I have one on my studio desk - that I'm going to attempt 3 faces on.
I'm not sure I will be able to - but I'm certainly going to try!

Friday, 5 February 2016

Friday love...

36 of #365Faces

Ooooo I'm loving all that paint.
She was quick and easy and I loved painting her.
Sometimes they flow right out of my brush - that's my best kind of day.

35 received a Rose...

I decided to add a Rose to number 35... and I am so glad I did.
Starting to adore February all with their roses.
Love having a theme.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

February is a go...

February is a good start.
I have been thinking about  doing roses this month.
It is the month of love, after all!

Happy week and happy February.